Cathy Marcotte
Owner/ Recreational Dance Director
Cathy is originally from Orange County California and moved to Bemidji with her family in 2002. She opened FCD in 2003 when she recognized Bemidji was missing a professional dance studio that teaches a comprehensive level of instruction in all dance forms that focuses on proper dance technique in a fun and safe environment. Cathy has been dancing since the age of 5 and hasn’t stopped. She has trained at several high-profile dance studios in O.C and L.A. Some of her professional credits include Dancing with the L.A. Ballet Company, dancer for the singer Jeffery Osborne as well 3 tours to Japan. Cathy has over 30 years of teaching experience and enjoys sharing her love of dance and its benefits to students of every age. Cathy’s teaching style is creative, hands on, and result based.